Puerto José Banús - Pantalán, 5, 29660 Marbella (Málaga)

Home / Accessibility Declaration


Antonio is responsible for the development, maintenance and security of the contents of the portal https://navigateboatrent.com/ and is committed to making this portal accessible in accordance with the guidelines established in Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7, on accessibility of public sector websites and mobile applications.

Text size

Fonts with relative sizes have been used so that if the user prefers a larger font, they can select it through their browser’s text size options, generally Ctrl+ to enlarge, Ctrl- to reduce.

Structure of the pages

This portal is designed with a common format for all pages so that familiarization with the content of the same is easy to achieve better navigation for people who need technical assistance.

The pages are broadly composed of the following areas:

  • Header , with access to the home page, social networks, the possibility of changing the language to the co-official and English versions, and a search engine for portal content.
  • Main navigation menu , with the main options of the website.
  • Central content area  that will vary depending on whether the page is the home page or an internal page.
  • Footer , which includes quick access to the portal pages, information regarding the legal notice on the use of the portal content and this accessibility statement. Likewise, from the footer you can access each of the different social networks linked to the portal.
Navigation aids
  • The logo always links to the main page.
  • Components that have the same functionality within a set of web pages are identified in a consistent manner.
  • Main menu visible at all times.
  • More than one way is provided to locate a web page within a set of web pages: menu, breadcrumbs, and footer.
  • Structured information, correctly marked and hierarchized, which allows easy navigation through the content.
Contents not accessible

If you experience any problems with any type of document or page on this portal, please contact us so that we can make the necessary changes to them, making the necessary corrections to adapt the information to the appropriate accessibility requirements.


You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) of Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7) such as, for example:

  • report any potential breach by this website,
  • transmit other difficulties in accessing the content,
  • make any other queries or suggestions for improvement relating to the accessibility of the website.
Update and standards

The currently visible version of this website is from January 2023 and on that date the accessibility level was reviewed in order to ensure compliance with the level AA conformity criteria of the WCAG-2.1 Guidelines, considering the exceptions of Royal Decree 1112/2018.

Among others, the following measures are adopted to facilitate accessibility:

  • Multi-device adaptation.
  • Multi-browser.
  • Text size is defined in relative units so that users can change it using the usual browser text size controls.
  • Identifying changes in language.
  • The content is operable via keyboard without a specific time limit for keystrokes.
  • Visibility of focus on links.
  • Buttons to go up content
  • Separation of content and presentation using stylesheets using CSS3.
  • Text alternatives to non-text content. We include alternative text for images that are not decorative.
  • Use of W3C standards: HTML 5, CSS 3.0, WAI AA.